Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Season

Well Christmas has come and gone, once again. I hope you all got what you wished for and more.
I know that now all the hustle and bustle is over it's almost back to normal again! Phew! I made it another year! I am wishing you all a prospous New Year and may it be all and more.

I see I am not to good at posting on here. I have ahad a very busy and stressful few months since May. My father in law had been ill since May and I had been going to his home to make sure he ate and had everything he needed. Took him to the Dr and shopping and all that sort of stuff. But unfortunatly, little did we all know he had not much more time left with us. He passed away Aug 31 on his oldest son's birthday.

My mother in law has devolped dementia and has since been placed in a private care facility. It's pretty tough dealing with her every time she asks where her husband is. We have all decided that instead of seeing her relive it over and over, we abrubptly change the subject. Hard to see her suffer all the time. Other than her dementia she is well and fit for her age of almost 82.

I have decided that in 2009 I will be going back to work, but not sure if it'll be full time or part time.
All I know is I need my own cash, need to get out and associate with people, instead of hibernating!

Anyways enough about my troubles as there is always someone far worse off. Take care everyone. I will try and post a little more often.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

This is Susan's afghan

Spring is now upon us !

Well, looks like I made it through another crappy winter. We are finally starting to see some ground around all the mounds of snow! It still has alot of melting to do. Friday and Saturday it's supposed to SNOW some more.....aaaaargh! I keep saying these snow piles won't melt until July..... I haven't been up to anything very exciting lately. That's a sign it's time to go back to work.... I will, but not until June. You see, I am flying May 24th to Fredericton, New Brunswick to visit the kids and see our grandson AND new baby granddaughter. We have not been there before so this is going to be exciting. We are also going to trek over to Nova Scotia. Hopefully I will get some fantastic pictures to show my sister when we get home. A whole 2 weeks of visiting and touring.....yippeeeeee.
I will be adding a picture of the afghan I have been working away at. I call it the Rainbowghan. Tons of color and it's cheery. It will be going to a new home soon. I have been making it for my friend Susan in Michigan. It was to be last years Xmas gift, but I started getting pain in my hands, hips and back and couldn't finish it. I found out I have Osteoarthritis. I have since started taking Celebrex and oh boy, can I get around now! Almost feel like a new woman. (whens that make over supposed to happen?) So now I have been trying to get all my unfinished projects, finished and ready to send out. So Susan....expect a package real soon!!
Well thats it for this week. Take care everyone. TTYS

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Virgin Mary

Here's the finished picture. All I need to do now is find a suitable frame and backing for it. Onto my next project!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Pergamano Picture

This is The Virgin Mary I am working on. I sure hope she turns out. Takes up alot of my time these days! I invite comments as I go along here, and I'll post a new pic as I go!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Wintertime Blues

Here I sit on a cold winter evening wondering what's a person to do? So here I am ! I seem to be hibernating in my craft/computer room these days. It's to cold to go outside. Hubby packs in the wood. I have been entertaining myself with Pergamano. Thats parchment crafts, as I call it. Very time consuming. I don't know anyone here to help me out while learning, so I am fumbling my way through it. Lots of wasted paper. God give me more patience!! All it takes is one little mistake. Must remind myself to get LARGE magnifier. This is a very interesting hobby though. You can make some spectacular pictures, name it it can be done!