Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Pergamano Picture

This is The Virgin Mary I am working on. I sure hope she turns out. Takes up alot of my time these days! I invite comments as I go along here, and I'll post a new pic as I go!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Wintertime Blues

Here I sit on a cold winter evening wondering what's a person to do? So here I am ! I seem to be hibernating in my craft/computer room these days. It's to cold to go outside. Hubby packs in the wood. I have been entertaining myself with Pergamano. Thats parchment crafts, as I call it. Very time consuming. I don't know anyone here to help me out while learning, so I am fumbling my way through it. Lots of wasted paper. God give me more patience!! All it takes is one little mistake. Must remind myself to get LARGE magnifier. This is a very interesting hobby though. You can make some spectacular pictures, name it it can be done!